Monday 9 May 2011

Notes from pre-lim assessment


Subject knowledge:
·      Find examples of people that use split screen.
·      Find writers that act in their own plays.

·      Why split screen?
·       Screen film for an audience to see (outside of Cochrane) and get feed back- experimentation.
·      Show experiments with editing.
·      Get public feed back from blog .

Collaborating with fine art:
·      Talk about journey from beginning with them to end.
·      Talk about how the fine art students wanted to perform and we didn’t want this to re-tract from the film- that’s were the collaboration dizzolved.
·      We were running out of time and couldn’t keep experimenting- had to start with film.

·      48 hour film festival.
·      Story board with stills from film.
·      Talk about my particular roles:

·      Pressure to get script written in time.
·      3 drafts.

·      I didn’t want too many rehearsals because the context of the film is very natural, so I wanted to make the re-actions seem natural.

·      I was given the best advice by Dave Elsey which was to always make a decision. Even if you don’t really know the answer, never say you don’t know or aren’t sure. Be confident in your decision and stick with it.
·      It was very hard to be  the actor and director when I was acting because I couldn’t direct myself from the same point of view like when I was directing Richard.

·      Why did Sabrina and I choose to collaborate?


  1. I've really enjoyed following your progress over the project, and it will be great to see the results at the screening. I would say, however, that it would have been great if you had spoken more about what you accomplished from all of your experiments and inspiration that you have documented on here, and how they helped you when it came to the final project. I particularly enjoyed watching the videos of inspiration you posted, as well as your own trailer for the film, and so if you could have dug deeper into where the two came together, I think that would have made for great reading!

    I can't wait to see it!

  2. Thank you for the feed back, its really helpful to get opinions from people outside of the project. I will definitely work on what you have suggested because I also think that it would make a great analysis of my own work.

    I really appreciate you following the blog and hope to see you at the show and see what you think of the final project!
