Friday 25 March 2011


The script is finally done! There are three scenes which follow three phone conversations between the two strangers Ally and James. They meet by accident when James mis-dials his girlfriends number and phones Ally. They open up about their own relationships and lives and form a sort of bond. They leave it at that and say goodbye. Three months later James rings Ally back to tell her he's broken up with his girlfriend and he wants to take Ally out to dinner. Ally explains that she is moving in with her boyfriend and she is happy. Three months go by again and James takes a chance and rings Ally back, thinking she has moved in with her boyfriend and won't have the same land line number. Ally answers. She didn't move in with her boyfriend but is settled in a new job doing something she wants to do and is happy single. James has found a new girlfriend and moved her in with him. Both have them have found closure. The story isn't a conventional story between a man and a woman. The idea is that they find peace within themselves from speaking to one another. Opening up about problems they have never voiced before.

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